Wednesday, October 26, 2011

37 Weeks

How far along? 37 weeks... 3 weeks left!
How are you measuring? roughly 41 3/4 inches
Size of baby? according to What To Expect she's 19-22 inches, 6.5 lbs, and as big as a watermelon
Heartbeat? around 140-150 bpm
Total weight gain/loss? 29 lbs
Stretch Marks? Still no stretch marks, but I do have a faint linea nigra.
Sleep? Oh my sweet, Hadley Faye. Why have you been waking up and going absolutely crazy in my belly around 5 o'clock the last few mornings? You have been keeping me up and now I'm exhausted. Are you preparing me for your arrival? Thanks, sweetheart. That's very kind.
Best moment this week? I surprised Shane with a sweet letter and a Texas Rangers pillow pet! I know that sounds odd, but I kid you not, Shane has been wanting this Rangers pillow pet "for Hadley" since we first found out we were expecting! He was pretty excited to finally get it. I'm sure he was just really excited that Hadley would get it... sure. He's been a great babysitter for the Ranger pillow pet in the meantime. The pillow pet sleeps with us, people. (This is when I roll my eyes.)
Dilation/Effacement/Station? 1 inch dilated. It's just good to know that something is happening!
Movement? She's still moving a lot. I feel her all day. I keep expecting for her movements to decrease since she's getting crowded, but she's a mover and a groover.
News? We had our last Bradley class yesterday. We discussed postpartum and breast feeding.
Food Cravings? Salt & Vinegar chips are still high on the list
What I miss? I've been a liiiiittle emotional lately and I miss having more control over my emotions. Luckily I have the best, most supportive husband ever.
What I'm looking forward to? My parents are bringing the glider for Hadley's nursery this weekend! Yay!
How are you feeling? Tired, anxious, and my back is sore... but I'm happy!

Monday, October 24, 2011


This post doesn't have anything to do with Hadley or Shane and me, but I thought it would be good to include it so that I can look back and remember what was going on when Hadley was cooking! Jenna and I have concluded that about every 3 years Tech has some sort of epic win. Last time it was the Crabtree game against UT. This time it was against #3 Oklahoma. Vegas had them projected to win by 29 points. Epic.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Maternity Pics

My sister-in-law Erin shot some maternity pictures for me when I was 35 weeks pregnant. I'm wanting to print some out and put in Hadley's room! Thanks so much Erin!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Shane Thinks He's Funny

Greeeaaattt timing Raider. Perfect.

36 Weeks

This post is a day late. It's been the busiest LONGEST week ever... but tomorrow's Friday!

How far along? 36 weeks
How are you measuring? roughly 41 1/2 inches
Size of baby? according to What To Expect she's 19-22 inches, 6.5 lbs, and as big as a watermelon... that's crazy. I remember reading that they get this size when I was still in my first trimester. I never thought we'd get here. Time does fly.
Heartbeat? around 140-150 bpm
Total weight gain/loss? At my 36 week appointment I had gained 27 lbs.
Stretch Marks? Still no stretch marks, but I do have a faint linea nigra.
Sleep? I think I'm so exhausted from work that I'm actually sleeping pretty hard. I still get up to go to the bathroom once or twice a night, but I can usually go right back to sleep.
Best moment this week? Our doctor told us that Hadley was head down! It was so nice to hear!
Dilation/Effacement/Station? I got checked for the first time and apparently my cervix is still closed.
Movement? She's still moving tons. I feel her all day lately. I either feel her squirming down low, or I feel her poking me on my right side or way up high in my ribs. The other night she stuck her knee or foot out so far- it was insane. It was cool to feel but holy moly it hurt!
News? In Bradley Class this week we covered labor positions and emergency situations.
Food Cravings? Salt & Vinegar chips!
What I miss? I can't think of anything worth putting here this time. I'm enjoying this stage of pregnancy. 4 weeks left!
What I'm looking forward to? Getting our glider in for Hadley's nursery.
How are you feeling? I'm feeling good, but tired lately!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

35 Weeks

35 Weeks!

Raider loves baby Hadley.

How far along? 35 weeks
How are you measuring? roughly 40 3/4 inches
Size of baby? according to What To Expect she's 19-22 inches, 6 lbs, and as big as a large cantaloupe
Heartbeat? around 140-150 bpm
Total weight gain/loss? At my 34 week appointment I had gained 24 lbs.
Stretch Marks? Still no stretch marks, but I do have a faint linea nigra.
Sleep? Besides waking up quite a few times to change positions and take a bathroom break I'm sleeping pretty good. I average a couple bathroom breaks a night. Not too bad!
Best moment this week? We had Tim, Erin, Aubrey and Eli come into town for a visit. Aubrey was so sweet loving on baby Hadley. She would put her hand on my tummy and talk to Haddie. It was pretty cute. Erin did some maternity pictures, too! I'll post some later.
Movement? She's still moving around quite a bit. She pokes me with her (knee?) in my right side and it can actually be a little painful.
News? We had to skip Bradley class this week because Shane had to work, but we're planning on going early next week to get caught up. Also, tomorrow is my school shower.
Food Cravings? Chocolate and Kiwi's and Orange Juice... not all together though.
What I miss? Being able to sleep on my stomach and back.
What I'm looking forward to? Tomorrow's shower
How are you feeling? I'm feeling good, but my back has been really hurting me lately.

Monday, October 10, 2011

34 Week Video

Haddie was having a little fit because her daddy left to go to a Rangers game. Hiccups, kicking and punching... oh man.

Weird Craving

Pregnancy does weird things to your appetite. Here's my dinner tonight:
Chicken Paddy, Mac and Cheese and Sauerkraut... yum!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

34 Weeks

My feet are long gone.

How far along? 34 weeks
How are you measuring? roughly 40 1/2 inches
Size of baby? according to What To Expect she's 19-22 inches, 5.5 lbs, and as big as a large cantaloupe
Heartbeat? around 150 bpm
Total weight gain/loss? At my 32 week appointment I had gained 21 lbs. I'll go to the Dr on Friday so we'll see how much I've gained.
Stretch Marks? Still no stretch marks, but I do have a faint linea nigra.
Sleep? I realize I'm jinxing it, but for the past few nights I've slept pretty well. My allergies are clearing up and I'm not waking up to go to the bathroom, but maybe 2 times a night. We'll see how long this lasts.
Best moment this week? We got Hadley's mattress and now her little crib is complete! If she comes tomorrow at least she'll have a bed!
Movement? Hadley actually woke me up moving around the other night. I think her favorite, most active, time of the day right now has to be around 5 pm, though. The girl goes crazy!
News? We had week 5 of Bradley class. This week we talked about birth plans.
Food Cravings? Chocolate and Kiwi's
What I miss? Being able to wear whatever I want in my closet. I feel like I have about 7-8 work outfits that I just rotate through.
What I'm looking forward to? Getting Haddie's things organized
How are you feeling? I'm feeling good still!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Auntie J

Haddie, this is your Aunt Jenna. It's her birthday today so tell her a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY! She is a very important person to your mom. You are going to LOVE her! I'm sure of it! And she's going to love you like her own!
Happy birthday, Jen!!

Uncle Russ thinks he's funny.

The other night I sent my brother a video of Hadley moving around and this is what I got back... oh brother.

Be sure that you have the volume on when you watch.