Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Learning to crawl= Frustrating!

Tri-pod Sitting

At Hadley's six month doctors appointment the doctor asked if she was sitting yet. I told her not yet, but that I could tell she was trying. Well not five minutes after we got home look what my baby girl did! Little turkey! I wanted to call the doctor and say, "She did it! She did it", but I resisted. She still needs to use her hands to balance, but I'm sure we're close to balancing on our own. My baby's getting so big!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Aunt J+ Baby Grand= Best Weekend Ever

On Mother's Day weekend we drove to Abilene and met up with Jenna for a bit. It's always so good to see her, but time goes by too fast when we do get together. We live too far apart and I'm so thankful that she's willing to drive halfway to meet up with us, even if it is just for a few hours! I love that she is getting to see Hadley every few months. We've made a plan to meet up at least every three months and I'm really hoping to make that happen. Good friendships are hard to come by and Aunt J's a keeper.
While we were running errands we went by Kids Village to look around. They had the cutest little Baby Grand Piano and Hadley lit up when I sat her at it! She thought it was the best thing ever to hit the piano keys! It cracked us up! I think she would've stayed there all day if we would have let her. 
Here's some pictures that Jenna got of Hadley playing the piano...
And here's one of my favorite video's ever. She's just the cutest. : )

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Six Months

Six Months sounds like a long time, but the time has come and gone in the blink of an eye. I cannot believe that you are six months old! Everyday I look at you and feel so blessed. You have given me a joy that I had never experienced before. You've also shown me how to love in a way that I've never done before. I am constantly in awe of you and how much you've grown and learned over the past six months. 
Last month you began rolling from your back to your stomach and this month you began rolling from your stomach to your back. This has really helped you sleep better since you used to wake up crying because you couldn't turn over. Now, you can turn over in your sleep! You are still waking up at least twice a night, which makes for a sleepy mommy, but I know that growing girls need to eat... even at 4 in the morning!
At the end of this month you got sick for the first time. You had a fever and stuffy nose, but you're bouncing back. We took you to the doctor to get you checked out and they said your weight was 14.7 pounds. Big girl! We're taking you for your six month visit on Monday so I'll have your stats then. 
This month you have discovered how to cough. You have the cutest fake cough and love to hear yourself do it! Sometimes we'll cough back and forth, first me then you. It cracks me up! I love that I can interact with you! 
We finally switched you over to size 2 diapers and you fit pretty perfectly in 6 month clothes, but I can get away with putting you in 9 month outfits and you can even get away with 12 month dresses. 
You are growing bigger everyday. You are constantly aware of what is going on around you and you take in everything. Often times you look like you are processing your surroundings.
We are so proud of you, baby, and so proud to be your mommy and daddy! You are such a good baby and a delight to be around. We love you with all our hearts!

*This month mommy took a ton of pictures for your six month shoot. Get ready for picture overload!

You and your bunny. You love to sleep with bunny and put her over your eyes.
You love to play this little piano that Tank and Nonnie bought you.
Bright eyes : )

You LOVE books! This is one that Mommy likes to read to you before bedtime.
Sweet smiles!
Happy dance!
You are loving your toes lately!
You were getting a little tired of taking pictures...
I wanted to get some Hadley detail shots. Sweet tiny hands.
Precious little ear that listens to everything around!
Sweet little eyes that take in all the sights.
Precious toes that I love to help you count.

Hadley and her 'dada'.