Thursday, October 31, 2013

Tummy Time

 I'm working with Brooks on tummy time and currently anything that Brooks does or has Hadley wants to do or wants. So we take turns doing tummy time.
Here's my little stud holding up his head.
Hugs from sister.

 Now Hadley's turn...


 Hello beautiful.
Hello handsome.

Fire Station

On the mornings that Shane's at work Hadley will wake up and say, "Where dada?"
I'll say, "He's at work." to which she'll reply "Fiya Twuck!"
She loves and I mean loves to visit dada at the fire station. She loves to explore the fire trucks and equipment with her dad. It's so fun to watch them. They always play this game and it has 1 rule. Run around the brush truck. Hadley squeals in delight!
Here's some pictures of one of our latest visits.

 This is Hadley running around the brush truck.

Move over daddy

There's a new man in town.

Sisterly Love

On occasion Hadley says yes when I ask her if she wants to hold Brooks. She'll hold her hands out in ready position, then I'll place him in her lap and watch what she does. Sometimes she pushes him back at me and gives me the eyebrows, but then sometimes something magical happens...
She pats him...
and hugs him...
 and is excited to hold him!
 I love my two munchkins. 


I'm constantly trying to find things that will keep Haddie occupied while I nurse Brooks so I thought that play-doh would be the perfect thing to entertain her. I set her at the table and let her choose her color. I showed her what it was and let her experiment with it for a little bit. Then I left her at the table and went to the couch to feed Brooks. When I came back there was a dab of play-doh on her mouth. Hmm...
So I asked her, "Hadley, did you eat the play-doh?"
Now, understand that when she does something she knows she shouldn't she smiles at me. It's like a defense mechanism. Like she's trying to be as cute as can be to get out of trouble or distract me.
So, in response to my question I got a huge smile.
I asked her again, "Did you eat the play-doh?"
Once more, "Hadley. Did. You. Eat. Play-doh?"
Nods her head.
At least she's honest!
Lesson learned. Don't leave 1 year old at the table with play-doh. They will eat it. Duh, mom. Can't believe I didn't see that one coming.

Hey you...

Hey little man... could your cheeks be anymore kissable??
 I think not.
 Hey little missy... could your hugs be anymore tender and sweet?
Not even if you tried. 

Fall is Here

 When we were looking to buy a house in Abilene my #1 requirement was that it had trees and a patio in the backyard. I wanted a place where we could go and have fun without sweltering in the Texas heat. Granted, Texas is hot no matter what, but trees make such a difference! The weather has been so nice here lately. We are loving going out and enjoying our new backyard. Hadley would live out there if we let her. Tank and Nonnie bought Hadley a trampoline as an early birthday present so that has only made her backyard obsession grow! Here's some pictures I've taken of us having backyard family time...

It's hard to tell, but this is Hadley and her daddy talking and singing together.
Brooks and me enjoying the patio. 

 Hadley and her cousins on the trampoline. 

 Mommy and Hadley on the trampoline. 

 Brooks and daddy enjoying the patio.

These moments...

These moments are the ones that I wish time would stop for. Just let me soak it in a little longer. Let me feel the touches and hear the sounds one more time. It passes by so quickly. Hadley will be 2 next month and Brooks will be 2 months old in 3 days. Slow down clock. Freeze for me.

Thursday, October 24, 2013


A couple weeks ago these sweet ladies, plus Jenna who couldn't make it, threw Brooks a Sip-N-See. 

 It was wonderful- just what I was wanting. We celebrated Brooks and ate cookies! Can't beat that!
Side note- Hadley LOVES cookies! (and cake and ice cream and donuts... you get the picture) The cookies at the party were on a low table where she could reach them. I never knew how sneaky my girl was, but I think the number of cookies that Hadley had reached double digits. She was in cookie heaven!

Here's some pictures from the Sip-N-See...
This is Brooks with my Grandmother. 

 Grandmom with me and both of my kids. If you look closely you can see cookie crumbs all over Hadley's face and her eyes clearly show that she was on a sugar high. :)

 Michelle and Brooks
 Michelle and Jessica with Brooks and me
 My sweet sister in laws are the best!
 Mom, Brooks and me
 My little man
 Lolli and B
 The adorable decorations...