This was on one of our many trips to the zoo.
Mary's Ice Cream with my littles. Brooks liked the ice cream until he got to the strawberries. Then, he spit it all out.
These two are buds.
I'm pretty fond of him, too!
Another zoo outing with dada.
Hadley did my hair. What do y'all think?
Lunch on our new picnic table in the back yard. I love it!
This is what happens when you put Hadley in her room for an hour and say, "play by yourself for a little bit."
Train ride at the zoo.
Our walrus.
The bigs love running up and down the hill at the zoo.
Hadley's new soccer shoes her daddy got her. She was so pumped!
This was definitely one of my favorite summers, yet! Lots of fun at the pool, lots of playing, movie nights, friend play dates, vacations! Couldn't have asked for more!
Cousins and future BFFs.