Friday, May 15, 2015

Family Trip to the Park

It's easy to go a little stir crazy after you have a baby so we decided to take a trip to the park. The weather is beginning to get so nice and I wanted to enjoy it before it got too hot! The kids loved it. Jace slept. It was a great time!

Jace's First Week

Last Week of Pregnancy... Ever

Brooks and his paci go together like peanut butter and jelly. Lord help me when we have to take it away!
 These two make my world go round

 Photo credit: Hadley
 Babysitting Baby Quinn

 Look, Shane. I'm sitting on the birthing ball trying to get this baby OUT!
 Morning selfie
 The morning of my false labor...
 Trip to the zoo with Nonnie
 The day before I went into labor. Laying on the couch with my kids watching Big Hero Six.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Jace Henry Huffman

Jace’s Birth Story

Sweet Jace. Our unexpected third love. Our grand finale. Here’s his birth story…
Minus the fact that this pregnancy was a surprise, my pregnancy started out like both Hadley and Brooks did… with my head in the toilet. As much as I hate to get sick to my stomach all day every day for the first several months I also love the reinsurance that it gives me that our baby is thriving and my hormone levels are rising like they should. I decided early on that I didn’t want to find out the gender of our third baby. Shane was never on board with this crazy plan, but went along non-the-less. Because we didn’t find out the gender I looked for every sign I could to predict. With Hadley I had morning sickness for 14 weeks. With Brooks 16 weeks. With this pregnancy 15… darn, that doesn’t give me much help predicting the gender. Hadley’s heartrate was almost always above 150 bpm. Brooks heartrate was almost always below 150 bpm. This pregnancy the heartrate flip flopped all around every appointment. Again, darn, that doesn’t help me predict.  I went off of gut feeling. To be very honest my gut said girl. I definitely had times that I thought boy, but the majority of the times I thought girl. I loved the unknown. I loved talking with Shane about what he thought it was (to which he usually replied that he didn’t know), I loved the reaction I would get when I told people we were waiting to find out the gender, and I loved the mystery in it all. Who is this little person growing inside of me? Now, there were definitely things that were hard about not knowing. It’s always hard enough for Shane and I to agree on one name, let alone two, since we were choosing a boy and a girl name. I originally wanted Tripp for a boy and Piper or Collins for a girl. Shane said no. Shane wanted Abram for a boy and Amelia for a girl. I said no. We both settled in on Jace for a boy and Everly for a girl. I even got them monogramed on onesies just to seal the deal .
As the final weeks approached I really began to realize how hard it is on a person’s body to have back-to back- to back pregnancies. I was exhausted by six o’clock every evening. My back and hips ached. I couldn’t hold my toddlers very well and I certainly couldn’t tie my shoe. I was growing anxious for the end. I remember feeling anxious for the end with my previous pregnancies, but this one was even more so. I wanted to meet this mystery person. Bad. I figured I would go into labor slightly before my due date because that’s what I did with Brooks. Waiting can be rough on a pregnant, hormonal lady. There were so many scheduling factors stressing me out, too. My doctor had a few trips planned and I wanted him to be the one to deliver. Our newborn photographer was going out of town and I wanted to have the baby before she left so we could take our pictures before her trip. Shane and Hadley had a daddy/daughter dance that we had already bought tickets to so I wanted to go into labor after that. I was all about my timing. God has other plans…
My due date was on Wednesday, March 4th. Brooks was a day early so when March 3rd came and went I was slightly confused on why I hadn’t had a baby yet. Not only that, but I hadn’t even had my bloody show, which was my early sign of labor with both of my other babies. Then came my due date. Still nothing. I was slightly discouraged, but thought that surely it would be any minute. When I was pregnant with Hadley I had my bloody show two days past my due date and she arrived three days after my due date. I thought, there’s no way I’ll be that overdue with this baby. Come on, I’ve been having Braxton hicks since week 25. This is my third pregnancy. WHERE IS THIS BABY!?
One day overdue. Still no baby…
Two days overdue. Nothing. Not even bloody show like I had with Hadley. Tears flowed a little.
Three days overdue…
Friday March 6th. Around 1:30 AM I began having some contractions. Around 3 AM I was lying in bed timing them.  Around 4 AM I woke up Shane. We laid there and timed them for another hour or so. They were consistently around 3-5 minutes apart. They felt like they were getting stronger. Then he suggested texting our family. I had a weird feeling about it, but agreed. He texted our family and called my mom since she was supposed to come stay with Hadley and Brooks.
As soon as the phone call and texts were made my adrenaline kicked in. It was go time. I needed to produce a baby since we’ve made it known that I was in labor! I felt pressure to succeed. Shane encouraged me to get up and get ready. Within 15 minutes of getting up I knew something was off. My contractions slowed and nearly halted. I wearily told Shane and he kept encouraging me, telling me they’d start up again. He was trying to tell me that this is what happened when I went into labor with Brooks. But I knew. This was different. I showered anyway and got ready. The contractions all the while becoming less intense and further apart. My mom arrived and it hit me. Embarrassment. At 6:00 I lay back in bed and remember Shane, who was still under the impression I was in labor, saying that we’d need to leave for the hospital by 7:00.
I fell asleep and when I woke up it was 7:00 and my contractions had stopped. I was crushed. How could I be dooped? This is my third pregnancy! I should know the difference between false labor and real labor. And now not only was I disappointed, but we had to tell our family and I felt like I had disappointed them. Cue the waterworks. False labor was a hard pill to swallow.
My mom ended up taking the kids to her house so Shane and I could have some alone time. We decided to go to the mall and walk. I wanted to walk the baby out and kick start those contractions again. It was cold outside, so to the mall we went. Erin came for some moral support. We ate lunch at El Chico’s then walked for about 30 minutes. No contractions. Today was not meant to be the day we meet our baby. God had different timing.
Saturday morning Shane went to the station and I had a very lazy day planned for me and the kids. The morning was movie time. Big Hero 6 was our movie of choice. While the kids watched I texted my friends Mindie, Maggie and Brittany for encouragement. As silly as it sounds, I really thought I may be pregnant forever. It just felt like nothing was happening besides the occasional Braxton hicks. My friend Mindie encouraged me by telling me that the false labor wasn’t pointless and the contractions were all serving a purpose. She even said the false labor was going to be a part of our birth story. Maggie promised to mail me some magic pills called Start Up that she swore started her labor. I love these sweet girls.
By 3:30 on Saturday afternoon I was exhausted. My eyelids were heavy so I called my mom and asked if we could come over so that I could nap. I never do that, but she said that was fine so we headed over. Lying in my parents back bedroom I began having contractions. With each contraction I prayed that these would be the contractions that began labor. I prayed that my contractions would get stronger and stay consistent. I prayed that they would open up my cervix and bring my mystery baby to me.
We stayed for dinner at my parents and throughout the evening I had contractions. Each time they came I prayed. We came home and I put the kids to bed, all the while having contractions and praying. I didn’t tell anyone. I didn’t want that pressure to perform. I wanted this to be between me, my baby, and God. I went to bed and fell asleep knowing that God’s timing was perfect and if this was really labor I needed to rest.
I woke up around 6:00 to contractions. They were becoming more consistent and more intense. I timed them in my bed while I prayed. Around 7:30 I texted Shane and finally told him that I was having contractions. I told him not to come home until he got relieved, but that I just wanted him to know. At 8:00 he was home helping me time my contractions. He always gets antsy when my contractions are consistent so he went ahead and called my mom to come over. I didn’t let him text anyone else. Again, I didn’t want the pressure. I jumped in the shower and this time my contractions didn’t stop. They kept right on pace, sometimes as close together as 2 minutes. Shane’s not much for laboring at home, so we kissed the kids goodbye and headed to the hospital. Shane told Hadley that we were going to the hospital to meet the new baby.
On the way to the hospital I texted friends and family. I felt pretty confident that this was the real deal. And, really, even if it wasn’t I wanted them to know where we were heading. Our friend Julie is a labor and delivery nurse so she called up to the hospital and told them we were coming. She arranged for her friend Nicole to be our nurse.
When we arrived (10:00 AM) they told us they were expecting us (since Julie called) and had us sign a few papers before taking us to triage. Once in triage they hooked me up to the monitors and we heard the beautiful heartbeat and saw the contractions. The contractions had slowed down a little since getting to the hospital, but that’s pretty normal, as adrenaline kicks in and can hinder them.  I remember being in triage with Brooks and having a hard time talking through contractions. This was different. I could talk through them just fine. They really weren’t super intense which made me a little nervous. Nicole checked my cervix and said I was at a 4. She wanted to monitor me for an hour and then check my cervix again before they would admit me.
Longest hour ever. Laboring on a table with wires hooked up to your belly is pretty uncomfortable. And the contractions were all over the place. Sometimes even 7-9 minutes apart. At one point we asked Nicole if I could sit on a birthing ball, and she said yes and laughed that this was the first birthing ball she had seen in triage. Just call me granola. Speaking of, I love that Shane seems to take pride in the fact that his wife goes the natural route. He told Nicole that we had done the Bradley Method and this was our third natural birth. It makes me smile that he takes pride in that.
Finally, Nicole came back in to check my cervix again. I was at a 5! What what!? We were admitted at 11:00 AM!
They took us to our room and hooked us up to a different monitor-a portable one- so that I could walk around. They put a butterfly IV into my arm and put all the bracelets on my wrists. Shane set up the music (Garden State of course) and I changed into my gown. Then everyone left. Show time.
Shane and I must have walked around the room 1,000 times. With every contraction that came I stopped and leaned into him. I labored on the ball quite a bit, too. Nicole let me be in control of when I would get checked. For the most part the time passed pretty quickly. I remember even making mention of how quickly the time was passing. At 12:00 Shane predicted that the baby would be here at 2:00. I rolled my eyes and said I predict more like 5:00.
At 1:00 Erin brought in lunch to my starving husband. She stayed and chatted for a little bit. Then she left. The next time we’d see her we would have a new baby!
For Hadley and Brooks labors we had our labor team in the room. It consisted of Shane, Mindie, my mom and Erin. Though we loved having them be a part of it, we decided that this time we would go it alone. I’m glad that we did. It was nice spending those moments alone with my best friend. One moment that sticks out in my head was a particular contraction. Shane and I were walking the room when it came on. I leaned into him and we made eye contact. We held the eye contact throughout the entire contraction. I felt so close to him and so safe in that moment. It was such a sensual, romantic moment in the midst of labor. We just connected.
Around 5:00 Nicole came to check my cervix and I was at an 8. I was ready to get our baby here. I wanted Hadley and Brooks to meet the baby and I didn’t want our family to have to wait so I asked the doctor to break my water. I knew that would speed things up. After he broke my water my contractions picked up intensity. It had been a fairly “easy” day up until this moment. Game on.
I couldn’t walk anymore. I remember thinking that I would fall if I tried to walk. I began to feel like I was losing control. I told Shane I couldn’t stay on top of these contractions. It hurt too bad to leave the bed. I switch off between laying down and sitting up. Finally around 5:30 I asked to be checked again. I was sure I had progressed. Nicole checked my cervix then without giving me a number told me I was doing great. Wait, what? I clued in pretty quickly. I was still at an 8. How could this be??? Nicole left and I continued to labor. Around 5:55 I was on my hands and knees withering in pain. Then it came. The screaming. Classic Sarah in labor. Nicole ran in and as she was putting on her gloves so that she could check me I yelled, “I’M PUSHING!” Somehow Nicole and Shane got me on my back and she checked me and sure enough I was fully dilated. She ran to tell everyone and then the room began filling with people. The doctor came in and got his gloves and plastic coat on. As he was getting ready I remember looking Nicole in the eye and telling her to help me. I just feel so desperate in those moments!
The doctor took his position at 6:00 and I began to push. Nicole told me to hold my legs to which I screamed, “I CAN’T!” All I could do was bare down and push my hardest. It’s truly the worst pain I can imagine and my only thought is to make it end. And fast! The doctor (who, by the way, was not my doctor because mine had gone out of town) didn’t give me direction on when to push so I just pushed away. Within minutes the head was out. The doctor asked Shane if he wanted to cut the cord and Shane excitedly said yes and went to cut it. At the time I didn’t think about why they were cutting it already since all I could think about was getting the pain to stop. Jace had a neucal cord (meaning the cord was around his neck) and it was so tight that the doctor couldn’t pull it off so he had Shane go ahead and cut it off. Once he cut it the doctor put a sheet on my belly and told me that he was going to place the baby there. I was able to start pushing again and at 6:06 I delivered our baby. I remember seeing his testacles and Shane announcing “It’s a BOY! It’s a boy, Sarah! He looks like Brooks!” The doctor placed him on my belly and I held him for about 30 seconds when our friend Julie (who had come into work just to be there for us) came and told me she needed to take him for a minute. I asked her if he was ok and she said yes, she just needs to help him get a deep breath.
Apparently he had screamed once when he came out then stopped breathing. Julie took him to a side table that they put the babies on to take their vitals and she basically tickled his ribs until he started breathing again.
The hour or so after delivery is always such a blur to me. They stitch me up (1 stitch), I use the restroom, I hold the baby, the baby gets a bath... it's all a big blur. It's like your wedding day. You try and soak it in at the time, but the excitement of it all has your head spinning.