Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Family Trip to Horseshoe Bay

 Every Memorial Day Shane's family takes a trip to the Austin area for a family get together and to celebrate Shane's grandmother's birthday. We look forward to this trip every year and we love getting together with Shane's family, but for me now that we have Hadley I feel like I look forward to it even more. I love to show her off and love to see her around family that loves her and loves to ooo and ahhh over her. I want her to know her family and enjoy being around them even if we don't live in the same town. Family time has become so much more important to me since she's arrived!
My sister-in-law Erin brought a little pool for the kiddos to swim in so Hadley got to have her first swim ever! She got all sunscreened up (I'm that mom that covers her 3 times before I finally feel like she's ready to go) and dressed in her cute little swim suit and we were off! I've got some better pictures of her in her suit from my big camera that I'll need to post later. These pictures are actually of her second day swimming. She's rockin' her shades!

 Memorial Day happens to be our anniversary so this year me and Shane stayed at the horseshoe bay resort. It was my first night away from Hadley and though I was anxious and apprehensive it really was nice to get away with my husband for some quality time. Here's some pictures from our balcony.

 Here's a ton of pictures from our vacation. There were so many to choose from; I'm just scratching the surface here with these!

1 comment:

    Thanks for sharing.
    Love y'all!
    Aunt Debi
