By no means am I a master in the art of multitasking. It's not my gift. But with two very needy little ones I've had to work on this craft. Here are some things I can do:
-I can drive while shoving a paci in Brooks mouth and not miss a word in the song I was singing.
-I can hold two crying babies at the same time. (That's pretty much it. Just hold them. I can't solve both of their problems at the same time, but holding... I got that.)
-I can bathe two kids at the same time.
-I run a heck of a diaper changing station.
-I can blog and rock a baby.
-I can nurse at the same time that I kiss boo boos, play a game, read a book, sing a song, and all around appease a toddler.
-I can make lunch while soothing a fussy baby.
-And on those really tough days I can remember how blessed I am and how fast this season will pass and love my kids with a fiery, uncontrollable love. And I'll soak up these moments while managing our chaos.
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