Here's some things you've been up to the past 2 months...
You are not much on napping. You pretty much stick to a 30-45 minute nap a couple times a day. Occasionally you've napped for longer, but it always leaves me worried since it's not typically your style. We finally moved you into your crib at night and started doing a little crying it out. It's really hard on me and you are a lot louder and more stubborn in your crying then your sister ever was! I told myself I would give it three nights, though. You typically still wake up once in the middle of the night then again around 6:30 or 7, but occasionally you will surprise me and sleep through the night. Mommy give your cheeks extra kisses those mornings!
You're a little spoiled and like to be held. It makes it difficult to get much done around the house, but that's ok. You're worth a messy house! Lately I've been putting in the Praise Baby dvd and that buys me 30 minutes. You love it!
You're a big boy, brother. At your last check up on Jan. 15 you weighed 17 lb 11 oz (88%) and you were 26.25 inches (84%). Your head circumference was 44.5 cm (92%) so I like to say that you're my bobble head. You also had your first ear infection and had RSV at this appointment. My heart broke for you! You were put on some amoxicillan for your ears and also breathing treatments for a case of RSV. You were a trooper!
You can consistently roll from your stomach to your back! You can also roll from your back to your stomach, but not consistently yet. You've only done it a few times. We're currently working on tripod sitting and you can hold it for about 10 seconds before falling over or pushing yourself backwards.
You have the funniest scoot. Anytime I lay you on your back you arch your back and push with your feet causing you to scoot forward. I have to be careful about laying you on a bed or changing table!
Things Brooks likes:
-Being held
-Your paci
-Your mommy and daddy
-Your sissy when she gets close enough to touch or when she includes you in a tea party
-Your bouncer! You love to jump!
-Being tickled
-Mommy blowing raspberries on your cheeks
-Taking your socks off and eating them... then eating your feet
-Blowing bubbles and raspberries
-Peek a Boo
Things Brooks does not like:
-Long car rides
-Being put down
-Taking naps
-Breathing treatments and taking medicine
I love you so much, sweet boy!!
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