On Saturday Hadley went with me to my school carnival. My second grade team was volunteering at the petting zoo so I brought Hadley in the ergo sling and planned on wearing her while I helped out. Well it turned out that they needed someone to drive the hay ride so plans changed and I volunteered me and Haddie. I drove with Hadley strapped onto my chest. It was a lot of fun and she was the perfect co-pilet. I wish I would've gotten pictures of us; I'm sure we were a sight!
On Saturday evening Shane, Hadley and I drove into Rockwall for their fall carnival. It was chilly and there wasn't a lot for Haddie to do yet, but it was fun seeing all the costumes and spending quality family time together.
On Sunday morning Shane went to work and Hadley and I went to spend time with Brittany and her Hadley. The girls were so adorable together. My Hadley was a little shy at first then opened up and was her usual noisy, all-over-the-place self. It's so fun to see her personality really starting to shine through!
The rest of the day was spent hanging out just the two of us until Daddy got off work at 7 pm. I loved this weekend. I am excited that the holidays are really gearing up! This is one of my favorite times of year!