Wednesday, June 19, 2013


 Here's my IPhone rewind of my first week as a stay at home mom...

We did lots of swimming! Love my little in her pig tails!
 We made Dada cupcakes for fathers day...
 We spent some time with cousins...
 We drove around in Eli's car. A lot. Sweet girl kept saying 'mowah' (more) every time we stopped. 
 When I ask Hadley to smile for the me she gives me the quickest, cheesiest smile you've ever seen. You better be fast in snapping a picture or you'll miss this epic smile!
 We babysat Steve while Tank and Nonnie went on vacation. 
 We got new shoes...
 This is where she likes to sit while I do my makeup in the mornings. 
 We are loving every second of being together!!!

29 weeks

You may notice that I don't have a 28 week update. Last week was my first week as an official stay at home mom and I was getting used to that new title, so my blog post fell to the wayside. I'm picking back up again at 29 weeks, though. Hello third trimester!
Baby (yes, still unnamed) has been doing somersaults in utero lately. The other night Shane and I were snuggling on the couch watching tv. Shane was on his back with his arm around me and I was on my side with my belly right up next to him. Sweet baby boy was going crazy doing flips from one side of my belly to the other and Shane's reaction was so funny. His eyes got so wide. I don't think he was expecting to feel him moving so much up next to his side.
On a different note, I'm beginning to feel that nervous feeling about adding another baby to our mix. So many questions are running through my head... How will I love another like I love Haddie... How will I balance giving both babies attention... Will I have to stop rocking Haddie to sleep... How will I handle labor and delivery again??? I'm so anxious to meet this little man, but at the same time I like him where he is right now. He's comfy and I'm comfy. Things are about to get real.
Hadley knows exactly where baby is. When we ask her she pulls up my shirt and points to my belly. She'll even give baby hugs and kisses. What a good big sis. Again, I'm so excited and nervous for these two to meet!
Here's to hoping that I make my 30 week post on time!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

26 and 27 Weeks Pictures

We have had so much going on the past month that I have fallen behind on blogging. Shane got hired at the Abilene Fire Department and his start date was May 20th. I didn't finish school until June 7th which left us with three weeks layover. It was a crazy time with Shane being 3 hours away, but with the help of friends and family we did it. Now we are both officially in Abilene. We managed to sell our house which is great news, assuming that nothing falls through, but we haven't moved all of our stuff yet. We're going to have to go back in a couple weeks to do that before our closing. While we wait for closing we are living with Lolli and Pops. Whew. It's been a whirlwind. 
I'm an official stay at home mom, now! I am loving it. My sweet girl lights up my life in so many ways. She is such a delight to raise. Honestly, she really is an easy baby. We are just now, at 18 months, having to introduce Time Out. She has a little trouble with n-o and hitting. We have only had to do time out a few times times and I think she's starting to get it. The first time we did it she had to go for yelling NO at mommy. (No ma'am!) I put her in her crib and told her this is time out; you can not yell no at mommy. I'll be back when you're all done. (I signed all done to her.) I walked out of the room and listened. She cried for about 15 seconds then said DA DA (all done) the PEAS PEAS PEAS (please please please). I went back in and asked her if she was all done and she repeated da da. Then I asked her to tell mama sorry and she said so so. I got her out and that was that. The next day she had to go back to time out for hitting. As soon as I set her in her crib and said this is time out she said DA DA (all done). Hmmm. I hadn't planned on that. Ok... well I guess I had to go with the flow. I asked her to say sorry to mama. So So (sorry). Hmmm... again I wasn't sure what to do so I got her out and told her she can't hit. I'm thinking next time I'm going to have to leave her in a little longer. She already figured out the magic words. Turkey. 
I also have to note a few cute things that she's doing lately:
She refers to herself as Hi Hi. 
She gives the sweetest kisses and gentlest hugs. (Except when you ask for one and she says no.)
She walks on her tippy toes around the house. 
She is loving the pool! 
One of her favorite things to do is swing .
She calls Elmo La La. 
She steals my heart everyday. 

Now onto our little unnamed boy:
The pictures where I'm in a white shirt are 26 weeks...

The pictures in the black shirt are 27 weeks...

We are still having such a hard time with this little guys name! Graham... Graeme... Brooks... 
He is a mover! We got a sonogram last week and she said that he was stretched as far as he could go. I could've told you that! He's using all the room he has. He's also very flexible. He had his feet and hands all by his sweet little face. At one point he was grabbing his foot. It was so cool to see. You could make out the foot then the sonogram tech pointed out the five dots that were his fingers. It melted my heart! I can't (and can since we're in such a transition with moving) wait to meet him!!