Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Holding The Bottle

Our little girl has recently started holding the bottle- always learning something new! We're raising a genious, y'all. The other day Shane sent me this video at work of Haddie falling asleep while holding her bottle. It's precious. Even her toot. : )

Monday, March 26, 2012

Hadley and Harper

Hadley has a sweet friend named Harper who is the daughter of my sweet friend Mindie. I can't wait to see these two grow up together! They're such precious girls. I love that Hadley has friends already!

Raider and Haddie

I thought this was a sweet picture of Raider and Haddie. : )

Hadley says DaDa! ... sorta

A few mornings ago Hadley was talking up a storm so I decided to record it. I ended up catching her saying DaDa! By no means does she normally say DaDa on command, but come on, that's pretty good for a 4 month old! : )

4 month stats

Today we took Hadley in for her 4 month appointment. Technically she's 4 months and one week, but who's counting. : )
She was such a doll, y'all. She was showing off her smile left and right and doing her happy dance for Dr. Lanman and Nurse Kelly. I need to video her happy dance sometime. It's just the cutest. When she's standing up she'll get so happy that she burst into this huge smile and stomps her feet. Adorable! Anyway, Dr. Lanman said she looked great. I knew she would. I told Shane that I am so proud to be her momma!
Poor baby had to get 3 shots. Break.my.heart. She just cried and cried. I tried to nurse her right after the shots and she would nurse for about 30 seconds then start to cry again. She's got a memory like an elephant. This went on for about 5 minutes; then we decided to put on Baby Einstein and *poof* all better! (oh brother!)
Weight- 12.9 lbs (25th percentile)
Length- 24 7/8 inches (50-75th percentile)
Head- 16 inches ( 25-50th percentile)
and according to Tank 100th percentile for beauty : )

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Our Song

Ever since we brought Hadley home from the hospital I've had a certain song that I like to sing to her. It will forever more make me think of my sweet Hadley when I hear it.

You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When the skies are grey
You'll never know dear
How much I love you
Please don't take
My sunshine

Sunday, March 18, 2012

4 Months

My sweet Hadley,
Four months old... wow! What a blessing it is to be your mama and see you grow, change, and hit milestones! You have definitely hit some milestones this month-especially in the past week and a half. You started grabbing at toys and trying to bring them to your mouth. Used to, when we would lay you on your play mat you would just watch the toys dance around above your head, but now you are all about grabbing and batting at them. You are content for a good while playing under that play mat. You are still working on having control of your limbs, but you're getting there. Another huge milestone that you've hit in the past few days is rolling from your back to your stomach. You worked for weeks on this and it's so fun to see your hard work pay off! Once you figured out how to do it, though, there was no stopping you! There have been several times that I've left you on your back only to return to you on your stomach. It always makes me smile.
You are quite the chatter box, missy. You love to hear yourself talk and you've definitely got all your vowels down. You also like to say the g sound. Me and daddy will take you somewhere in the car and we'll hear you talking up a storm in the backseat. You've got the sweetest little voice!
You've become a great sleeper! You sleep 8-10 hour stretches! This month I'm planning on transitioning you from your bassinet into your pack-n-play to sleep. Instead of sleeping at an incline you'll start sleeping on your back. You'll still be in our room (Mommy's not ready for you to sleep in your room yet) but sleeping on your back will help you get used to how you'll sleep in your crib. I'm hoping you'll still be a great sleeper through this transition!
I am so proud of you and your accomplishments, baby! You're the most sweet, beautiful, fun baby that I've ever met and I love you with all my heart!
Love Always,
*I'll post your stats after your doctors appointment on the 26th.

This green dress is your Easter dress. You look so beautiful in green! It brings out the pretty red in your hair.

I think you resemble Aubrey in this picture.

You started to get a little bit fussy about taking pictures...

but the pacifier always does the trick.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Haddie visits Hadley

A couple weeks ago Mrs. Leanne (the lady that watches Hadley on days that both Shane and I are at work) called us and said that her son was home sick with the flu so she couldn't watch Hadley. Uh oh. Normally if that happens Shane would just take off of work, but this happened to be the week that Shane was gone on his ski trip. What to do... what to do?
I wound up calling on my sweet friend Brittany to see if she could take her. Thankfully she said yes- crisis averted. Brittany has a sweet little 14 month old named Hadley. Haddie was going to spend the day with Hadley!
Brittany took some pictures of our girls together and they seriously make me smile every time I see them. I am so glad that she captured these pictures. It's so sweet to see her Hadley take an interest in mine. She'll be a great big sister someday!

I love how curious big Hadley was about little Hadley! Its so precious!

I love this little series of pictures. Brittany let her Hadley put her arm around mine and oh.my.word. these are the sweetest pictures!

This one is Brittany's Hadley giving my Hadley a hug. : )

She really enjoyed her time with Brittany and Hadley!

Coolest girl I know...

We're ready for summer around here!

Rolling Over

Unless you're a parent (particularly a mom) you'll have a hard time understanding the level of excitement that I feel when Hadley reaches milestones. She has been hard at work for the past 3-4 weeks on trying to turn over and I've been expecting it any day now so I've been trying to be prepared with my phone to video it. Tonight I put her down in her crib so that I could go run her bath and prep for our bedtime routine and when I came back to check on her she was trying to turn over. She was getting so close so I ran to grab my phone just in case. The first video is of her hard at work. Sweet, persistent baby just wouldn't give up.

This video is of her finally succeeding! I'm such a proud mama! -Excuse my high pitched excited voice :)

Here she is again. She's just showing off, now! : )

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

First Funeral/ Family PJ Afternoon

Last Saturday was a really busy day for our little family. Saturday morning we drove to Red Oak to go to Shane's Uncle Mike's funeral. I was a little nervous about how Hadley would do. I brought a bottle and some toys to keep her occupied as well as her paci- a must have!
We went into the funeral with the family and sat towards the front in the reserved seating. Hadley lasted about 5 minutes before she became restless. I put the bottle in her mouth and seconds later she let out a big poop... right in the middle of a eulogy. Oh Haddie. I think I turned bright red and Shane and Erin (Shane's sister) started laughing- it was pretty embarrassing. I decided after that that Hadley is simply too young to sit up front at funerals and took her to the back for the rest of it.
It was a rainy, blah day so after the funeral we came home and everyone got in their sweats. I just had to take some pictures, because Hadley looked adorable in her little sweats. (I am just so in love with this beautiful little girl!) We took a family trip to the grocery store then relaxed together the rest of the night. I really am loving this season of life. We are so blessed and having such a great time watching our little girl grow!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Lolli and Nonnie's Visit

Thank God for grandma's!
Shane went on a ski trip last week and was gone for a full week. My initial thought when he signed up was HOW IN THE WORLD AM I GOING TO SURVIVE? I've got a full time job and a 3 month old which is a full time job and on top of that I've got to get some sleep! I had no choice but to call in reinforcements. Lolli spent Sunday night through Tuesday afternoon with us and Nonnie spent Wednesday evening through Saturday afternoon with us. They were wonderful. It warms my heart to know that they would drop anything to drive up here and help out. We are very blessed!