Thursday, May 23, 2013

Little Princess

On our way out the door to the park and this little lady decides that she can't leave without her purple purse and keys. Uh huh. All girl. 

Mother's Day 2013

Just wanted to show off some pictures of Hadley, baby and myself on Mother's Day of this year. I am one blessed girl!!!

25 Weeks

 She is the funniest!

How far along? 25 weeks
Heartbeat? at our 24 week appointment the heartbeat was in the 140s.  
Total weight gain/loss?  +20 lbs
Stretch Marks? No
Sleep? I'm still getting hot in the night, but other then that I'm sleeping fine. 
Best moment this week? Shane left this past Sunday to start his new job at the Abilene Fire Station. We've been really missing him, but I'm trying to enjoy this time with me and Hadley since I know that our time alone is coming to an end in September. I did get the absolute best card in the mail from Shane today. He always knows just what to say!
Movement? He's a mover! For the most part he remains really low, but today I've felt him all over. 
Food Cravings? Oh goodness. I'm still into sweets, but I'll eat just about anything these days!
Name? Ha! Last week I said Graeme. It still could be Graeme, but now I'm not positive. This is alot of pressure. Also in the running: Brooks and Hutton. 
What I miss? sleeping on my belly
What I'm looking forward to? Being back together as a family! We miss you Dada!
How are you feeling? So ready for summer. It's lonely without Shane. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

24 Weeks

 What a ham! : )

How far along? 24 weeks
Heartbeat? at our 20 week appointment the heartbeat was around 140. I go tomorrow for my glucose test so we'll see what the heartbeat is then. 
Total weight gain/loss?  My scale is packed away, but my guess is +17 lbs. I'll find out for sure at the doctor tomorrow.
Stretch Marks? No
Sleep? The past couple of nights I haven't been sleeping as well. I'm already getting so hot. It's only May. I'm not looking forward to the August heat. 
Best moment this week? Mother's Day. Technically the day before Mother's Day since Shane worked on the actual holiday. Shane treated me like a princess and gave me lots of loving! I am a lucky woman to have such an amazing man in my life!
Movement? He has his moments where I feel him squirming all around! It's still very low for the most part. 
Food Cravings? Sweets. Still! And with our glucose test tomorrow this craving will have to be paused... right after this oreo ball. 
Name? Alright! Ready?? Drum roll please..... Graeme! Shane told me on Mother's Day that the baby's name could be Graeme!
What I miss? caffeine
What I'm looking forward to? Spending some quality time with my Hadley this summer before Graeme arrives. 
How are you feeling? Nervous about my glucose test....

Hadley's ready!

 My sweet girl is already practicing how to love on baby brother. It just melts my heart and makes me so excited to see her take on her new roll of big sister!

Rocking baby
Giving baby a paci

Patting baby

Thursday, May 9, 2013

23 Weeks

How far along? 23 weeks
How are you measuring? roughly 37 1/4 inches
Heartbeat? at our 20 week appointment the heartbeat was around 140
Total weight gain/loss?  +16 lbs
Stretch Marks? No
Sleep? This typically isn't an issue until after the baby gets here. He did wake me up kicking last night, though, which hasn't happened before. 
Best moment this week? The baby was moving like crazy and Shane was at work. I was so sad he was missing it, because you could see him turning all over. I FaceTimed him and we were able to experience it together. It's the little things...
Movement? Today I haven't felt him as much, but he's been moving quite a bit lately. He still feels so low!
Food Cravings? Sweets. Next week is our glucose test so I'm getting nervous. 
Name? We have the hardest time when it comes to names. Right now Shane's favorites are Lincoln (he really likes that one), Brooks and Nolan. I'm still loving Graham. I hope we can narrow it down soon. 
What I miss? caffeine
What I'm looking forward to? Summer
How are you feeling? Anxious about all of the changes happening over the next month with moving to Abilene and all.