Tuesday, October 7, 2014

IPhone Rewind

This little mommy is on her way to the grocery story, apparently. She brought me back a cookie.
She is a great helper at the real grocery store. Especially if she gets one of their sample cookies!
 Love the naked booty
 Sweet boy loves hugs. Like bear hugs. I tell Shane he's going to be a tackler in football. He'll literally run at me full speed and wrap his arms around me for a hug. It's pretty sweet!
 Poor buddy. He took a little fall outside. :(
 A picture I got on my phone at Brooks first birthday party!
 Hadley's ballet class.

 A tiny bump!
The kids started "school" this year. They are going to River of Life church for mother's day out on Tuesdays. This was on their first day. Their smiles are my favorite!
 Here's Hadley in her class on the first day. I couldn't get a picture of Brooks in his classroom, because he would get upset and cry when he spotted me.

 Petting the mini horse at the fair

Friday, October 3, 2014

Brooks Bruises

 I'm so sorry, B. I try really hard to be there anytime you fall. But, kid, you are all boy. I just can't protect you from every fall. You climb and wrestle and trip and sometimes you get banged up. I think I need to invest in some bubble wrap.

Can't Trust a Two Year Old...

 The other night I went to put Brooks down for bedtime and I left Hadley in our room watching TV. Usually she is frozen when she watches TV so I don't have to worry about her getting into any trouble. This particular evening, though, I had forgotten that I had a bag of old Easter candy sitting out. Hadley didn't forget. And she didn't remind me before I left. When I came back this is what I found...

Brooks Turns One

We didn't have Brooks party on his actual birthday, but we still celebrated with cupcakes. He was all about the cupcake, too! He was cracking us up! Happy birthday, big guy! I love you so much!!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

IPhone Rewind AKA Catching Up... Take 2

We traveled to Waco for Harper's birthday in August. Even though it was a crazy fast trip and even though I was nauseous about 90% of the time, it was still a fun trip and so good to see Russell's family! Harper had a jump party. We went to this indoor facility that had tons of bounce houses and toys for the little kids. It's a great place for a party!

 After Harper's birthday comes me and Shanes, then we had Eli's birthday.With 4 people in our family having back to back birthdays Hadley was convinced it was her birthday, too.
Here's our girl flying a kite on Eli's birthday.

 Gearing up for Disney with her new jewelry daddy bought her.
 Future ball player hanging out in daddy's room at the fire station.

 We signed Hadley up for ballet this year. She is loving it! She's learned to twirl, walk on tippy toes and skip. We're still working on the skipping, but it's pretty cute to see her try. This is her in one of Harper's old ballet outfits. When we told her she would be in ballet she kept wanting to wear this and who am I to say no?
 Two kids in a box

 Date night to see Shane play at a local concert.
 I have so much work to do before I can confidently send you on your first date...
 No, I had nothing to do with this.
 Sweet snuggles from my little man
 We love our porch swing!

 I love it when they play together!

 This little boy started walking around 11 months! He is such an amazing kid! He learns new things all the time. Blowing kisses, waving hi and bye and night night, walking, copying our movements, pointing to things he wants, signing please... those are just a few of his daily tricks.

 Hadley's first day of ballet

 Dancing in the rain

 Brooks loves to go in our kitchen cabinets and get the bowls to use as hats. If you can't beat 'em join 'em.

 My little helpers at the grocery store.
 Wreck em Tech!
 Another fire station visit

This is so rare, but occasionally B get's so sleepy that he will fall asleep in his car seat and stay asleep as I get him out and get him ready for bed. Sweet sweet boy!
 Have you seen Hadley's new tattoo? She's a trend setter. She chose the spot that she wanted her tattoo. And this was before Shane got his!
 Here comes trouble...