Wednesday, October 1, 2014

I Phone Rewind AKA I need to catch up on blogging!

 Because I'm so far behind on blogging (about 3 months... so shameful) I'm going to do a few IPhone Rewind posts in a row to help myself catch up. So much has happened in the past 3 months! Brooks turned one and had his first birthday party. We took a trip to Disney World. It's been truly a crazy, hectic time in our lives. But it's important to me to be able to remember the small things, too.
Such as... playing in the backyard butt naked.

 Dancing in the rain...
 And playing peek-a-boo with our underwear.
 This is on the date that I told Shane I was pregnant. Surprise!
 Wearing pink to support Kathy Moore. Hadley's smile is the best!

 Brooks is eating whatever we eat now-a-days. He's officially weaned from breastmilk, and though he fought that decision tooth and nail I think we're doing pretty good now.

 These are some sweet 4th of July pictures. This is right before a piece of the sparkler got Hadley's leg and left a burn mark. This may be the last time we ever see her hold a sparkler again.

 Fire station visit

 Nonnie and my chunk
 She loves her daddy. It's a sweet bond.
 My Starbucks date and her whip cream drink.
 And I quote, "Mommy, look! Boobies!"
 3D movie time!

 He is all boy!
 Sorry for all the naked pictures. These were all taken in the middle of potty training.

 Dancing with her cousins at Chuck-E-Cheese.
 Another fire station visit

 Brooks and I on my girls trip

 Movie date

 I love seeing my kids become friends!

 At mom-and-tots: Brooks pushes Hadley around the whole time and mom sips a pina colada in the corner. Not. The truth is Brooks pushes Hadley around I hover over them making sure he's ok from falling so many times.
And the kids are up from nap. I'll do another IPhone Rewind soon!

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