Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Iphone Rewind

 What we've been up to the past two weeks...

Bath time fun
 Sweet pony tail
 More swimming
 More dada kisses
Going to the movies

 Watching dada fight fires at his fire academy. 

 Mama gets kisses, too!
 Went to the mall with Nonnie and got new shoes. But even more important then that, road in a Bob the Builder car! :)

 Used Brooks as a pillow. 
 Went to cousin Beau's first birthday party and found some interesting ways to entertain ourselves in the car. 

 Who can balance a cup on their belly? This girl. 
 Babysat cousin Eli and went to the splash pad. 

 AND the zoo. In the same day. We were pooped. 

 And we go on hundreds of walks. This girl loves it! "Mowa" (more) she always says. 

Can she stay like this forever?


I doubt she'll always be good at sharing, but for now I'm going to bask in it... my baby shares like a pro! She is so good at sharing that she'll even share her sippy cup with the dog.

Family Trip to the Park

During fire academy my sweet husband was so tired all the time. I felt so bad for him. He was always so good to us, though. When he was home he would try to be in good spirits and go do fun things with us. On this particular day he took us to the park. We're so lucky to have him!

31 Weeks

 Here we are- 31 weeks. It really is crazy how fast this pregnancy has gone by. We're nearly full term. And being nearly full term without a name had me pretty anxious. I didn't like that at all. So I told Shane that I surrender, he can choose. It took him a few days, but he finally chose the name of our son... Brooks. Brooks Davis Huffman. I like it. It's a strong name. Shane loves to give our kids nicknames (hence Haddie) so we are now anxiously awaiting the arrival of our little Rookie. It's pretty cute. : )

Shane's Graduation

Let me first clarify which of the many graduations for Shane this was. When you get a job at the Abilene Fire Department you are required to go through a grueling six week "academy". It's an extremely hard academy with tests everyday, long hours, and expectations high. I feel like we barely saw Shane throughout the academy, because if he wasn't there he was off studying for the next days test. It was a rough time, so I was more then willing to celebrate the ending of the academy! At the end all the cadets attend a ceremony and get their pins. Shane asked me to pin his on him, which was such an honor. 
Before graduation, we went out to eat at the Bee Hive with our parents. 
This is such a classic Hadley face...
 I LOVE this picture of my family!
 Kisses for dada.
 My girl looks good in green. 

 Tank, Nonnie and us. 
 Hadley is so loved. 

 Watching the graduation. Don't be fooled; she sat still for maybe 1.5 seconds. 
 Up in front ready to pin Shane's badge on. 

 Swearing in
I'm so proud of this handsome man!