Thursday, April 19, 2012

5 Months

Hadley Faye,
Today you are five months old. It blows my mind! On one hand it feels like you just got here and on the other hand it feels like you've been here forever. One things for sure, though, you bless our lives daily. Your sweet smile and your innocent giggle brighten even the worst day. When I am with you life is good. Your dad and I are so proud to call you ours.
This month has been full of growth for you, baby! You have recently started eating rice cereal and prunes... yum! You weren't too sure about them at first, but you're getting used to them and eating like a champ. I always feed you in the bath, though, because you're certainly not the neatest eater. Your food winds up all over your mouth and chest! You don't seem to mind- you're just having fun! When you take a bottle you eat 4-6 ounces.
You have completely mastered rolling from your back to your stomach. You can turn in no time. You haven't turned from your stomach to back yet, but I think it'll be soon! I'm planning to stop swaddling you as soon as you learn, but until then you'll still sleep in your cocoon. For the past month you haven't been sleeping as well. You seem hungrier and a little wrestles at parts of the night. I'm hoping that you'll start sleeping well soon, but until then I'll be patient and get up as much as you need me to.
You are getting stronger everyday! You push yourself up and hold your head up for long periods of time. You have such a strong grasp, too! Mommy would know- you love to grasp my hair!
You are such a good baby! Mommy and Daddy love you so very much. You bring us a joy that we never knew existed!
Love Always,

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