Thursday, January 19, 2012

2 Months

I cannot believe that you are two months old, baby! You have turned our world upside down and we are so in love with you. You have really grown this month! You are lifting your head up for longer periods of time, you are smiling more and you have started to have conversations with us. I love to hear your coos! They melt my heart. You've also started to take an interest in things that move or have lots of colors. You follow me with your eyes as I'm getting ready in the bathroom and you love to watch tv! If me and dad need to put you down to eat you are perfectly content watching tv. I think you like to watch the people moving and all the colors. Recently I introduced you to Praise Baby. You got a couple DVDs from your grandparents this past Christmas. You also got a Praise Baby c.d. that you and I listen to all the time. I love to rock you or nurse you while listening to it.
You had your 2 month check up today at the doctors office. You are a healthy 10 pounds! (25th percentile) And you are 22 1/4 inches long! (50th percentile) You had to get a few shots and you screamed so loud and turned bright red! It broke your mama's heart!
Lately you have started chewing on your fingers non-stop. If I take your mittens off you start chomping away! You like to ball your hand up and try to stick the entire fist into your mouth. You only seem to like your right hand, which makes me think you're right handed like me!
You have started to become a better sleeper! Thank you! You fall into a deep sleep around 9 pm and I dream feed you at 10 pm and you can sleep until 4-4:30 am! Way to go sister!
I love you baby girl! You are my sunshine!

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