Monday, January 2, 2012

One Month Old

Again, I'm behind on this post, but better late then never.
I cannot believe that Hadley is one month old. Where did this month go? Our entire lives have changed this month and we couldn't be more content. We didn't know what we were missing. Hadley has added to our family in ways that I never knew were possible.
I feel like she has already changed so much in just this one month. I look at her newborn pictures and feel like she already looks so much bigger.
She did have a little trouble gaining weight the first couple of weeks, but it was because her tummy was upset from the antibiotics I was on for my kidney infection. Since then she's been gaining weight just fine.
Hadley is a strong girl! In the hospital she was holding her head up for about 10 seconds at a time and now she can hold it up for a few minutes. When we got her newborn pictures done the photographer would try and mold her into positions and kept commenting on how strong she was! I'm pretty sure she's a future athlete!
At one month we were not getting smiles quite yet, but I couldn't wait! I would always ask her for smiles, but she would just look at me or around my outline. Now we're at 6 weeks and we've had some smiles, but I'll save that for another post! : )
Hadley has finally made it into size 1 diapers. Her newborn diapers were becoming a bit too snug. Her size 1's are a little loose, but we wrap 'em up tight around her belly to avoid any blow outs. She goes through diapers like it's her job.
Now for some pictures. I can't say I'm really pleased with how all these turned out, but that's what I get for waiting until it was dark outside to take them. So please excuse the lighting, but I'm sure her cuteness will make up for her mommy's bad judgement!

Cute little tongue

Hello there mommy.

See! I can hold my head up!

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